Friday, 4 March 2016

Dear Brother,

*for those who grew up with a sibling that was your best friend and may not understand the following. Read at your own risk, missed out. 

I am the big sister. I am the only sister. And my little brother is the only brother. For the mathematicians: that means there was two of us. 

Dear brother, 
I remember when you were born. I proudly announced to the world that 'I. Was. A. Sister!'....(no mention that I had a brother)...up and until this point in my life, I was the centre of the universe, why should things change now? 
Being nearly 4 years apart and of the opposite sex, you had very little to offer. You monopolized Mom's time, had my room moved to the attic,...and you were perfect. Ugh. The worst little brother. Ever. 

Although I gave you several examples of behaviour to emulate, you chose a different path. The slamming of doors you changed to quiet, forlorn exits. The screaming back, you substituted an agreeable response. The imbalanced personality, you presented an even, congenial temperament. YOU. WERE. IMPOSSIBLE. 

Lucky for you, I read my sibling handbook and ensured you got the full treatment. Imagine if you made it to adulthood without experiencing freshly ground pepper in your nose? Or what if you never were locked out of rooms? Or, henpecked!? To you, my dear brother, I say: YOU ARE WELCOME. 

You see, what you brought to the table, was sweetness. Your even keel personality and easy-to-get-along-with attitude was boring. Knowing what to expect from you and you delivering exactly the expectation....pfffft. Amateur. 

I ensured both Mom and Dad had someone to direct their discipline. I gave them reasons to try new approaches. I drew the line in the sand (or pushed the envelope...semantics). YOU ARE WELCOME. 

And now as adults, you don't hold any of that over my head. In fact, you are even quiet about being Mom and Dad's favourite. What's with you? Have you no shame? 

And now we are the parents. Your children are sweet.  Kind.  Conscientious. Where as mine...well, let's just say they don't fall far from the ol' tree. So ha! Who's laughing now!? 

With love, 
*p.s. You may not make up for opportunities lost as a kid when you are an adult. It's considered a criminal offence (in most cases). 