From day 1 to present day... (What's 40 years in days?... I can do the math, but I won't...grade 1 homework has kicked my butt this week)...
If the lot of you got together you could write one hell of a story. Don't. Don't, get together... I love the idea of being mysterious.
I'm super lucky. For reasons unknown I have managed to make friends. And if that was not enough, the friends I have are... Well....fkn awesome (autocorrect really struggled with 'fkn'...I won).
I have friends who ate my raisins (sounds innocent enough but I had previously eaten them and was depositing them like the Easter bunny). I have friends that kicked me in the stomach (and later loaned me their ID to get into bars when photo ID was a pipe dream). I have friends who joined my neighbourhood detective club, my cheerleading club, my fitness group, and my make a new Country compound. I have friends who told me I looked great and friends that brought me a new outfit. Friends who tried to find me a boyfriend and friends who took my boyfriend. I have friends in jail and friends who put people in jail. Friends who held my ponytail while I was praying to the porcelain prince, and friends whose ponytail I held & DNA I have worn. I have laughed 'til I cried and cried 'til I laughed. I have made plans, cancelled plans, been on the in, and been on the out. Played for them, with them, or coached them. I have held secrets and reminded friends of dreams...and they have done the same for me.
We have lost shoes in lakes, been hickeed (is that a word) by leeches, ourselves and boys (not me..ewww), missed curfew, borrowed chocolate bars from 7-11 (we need to return those...and I was innocent, innocent I swear), moved desks into the gym for exams, pulled all nighters on trips, jumped on the beds of four star hotels, and roomed with 500k cockroaches.
We have been bad, good, amazing, and God-like. We have been friends.
When the going gets tough, one of you, somewhere seems to reach out just when I need you. You remind me of where I came from, and who I am and where I ought to go (sometimes you say 'hell' but I know you would join me).
Feeling blessed, Thank you.
Sar/Butch/Miss B/Jo/Red/SARS/SB/Morrison...Sexy Bitch (I may have made one of my those up).