Friday, 18 October 2013

New Beginnings

Sounds exciting right?! Adventurous? Fresh? How about scary as Hell!  I did it! I walked away from a great paying job with stellar benefits and desirable pension because it was sucking the life out of me. I didn't win the lottery. I didn't inherit any money. Nor did I have a nest egg to fall back on. Quite the opposite actually. I had nearly 100k in debt, not including mortgage.  What I did have was the knowledge that we only have one shot at life (I have yet to meet somebody that has done this 'life' thing before... Who was not on television at 3 in the morning hosting a psychic phone line). I was not prepared to have a life that I looked back on and wondered 'what if I followed that dream'...but never did. And that in itself is scarier.

What I know to be true: Change is daunting. There is fear of the unknown.  Shifting from something familiar to something new can be paralyzing.  The key is embracing it and making it a challenge. When we accept the challenge we become warriors. Handlers of courage and skill, overcoming conflict and struggles.  Sometimes success is immediate but more often than not it takes time. BUT there is always success and only the person challenged can and should measure it.

I am beginning anew. I choose to follow my dream. I choose Jo:Moma. I am a warrior and I look forward to being part of other warrior's lives. YOURS.

Your friend, teammate & #1 cheerleader


  1. Been there. Done that. Not sure why people stay with something that is sucking the life out of them. Just wish I was more fit. Best of luck in teaching the masses.
