Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Jumping off the deep end is not an exercise....I wish it was.

I have an extremely sensitive kid. I'm talking, he travels with his own springboard to jump into the deep end on a moments notice. 
His sensitivity sometimes mimics the behaviour of an asshole. The moment he is concerned for someone's wellbeing and it appears (to him) they are in jeopardy...he goes ape sh!t. 
A) Too close to the road? His safety patrol warning siren goes off as he is certain you are headed for a funeral.  So naturally he wants to break all ties with you: "Get killed! You are an idiot! I never loved you!".
B) Or perhaps he overhears someone (me), express disappointment in the house being a war zone, and a strong desire to live in a clean environment: "I wish I was never born to you! You are not my mother!". Ummm..ya lil dude, I am...pick up your clothes. 
C) Or how about: 'hey buddy, you may not go out with your friends.....(insert meltdown of Mr. Sensitive before sentence can be finished) "ya!? Well I hate my friends..I never want to leave my room.." ..(sentence continuation) '....until you put some pants on'. 

It is exhausting. It is irritating. It is effing unbelievable at times. AND, it is the most beautiful attribute the lil dude has. He has a heart so big, that it feels EVERYTHING. I know how painful that is, because although the lil man is a dead ringer for his Daddy, his heart is from me. 

Walking around feeling everything is tough to do. You take everything personally. You hurt when others hurt. You over think. You create heartache where there wasn't any. You need love and hope: EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. You have a sincere desire for everyone to be happy, kind, safe, healthy... And the world just doesn't cooperate consistently enough. So, naturally, you lash out, or perhaps build a wall, or become an incredible actor. You feign confidence. You smile when you are hurting. You laugh the loudest. You act like an asshole (child #3). 

What does this have to do with health and fitness? Well, we are wired differently. How we attack problems will differ. What we see as roadblocks or mountains to overcome...differ. We can identify people that are similar to us...often gravitating to them... But it is important to recognize that we ARE different. Obstacles are not the same for all of us. How we attack/solve problems will differ. So what works for us in the realm of health and fitness will also differ. Learn who you are. Identify what you need. Feed the creature that is you. 

If yoga works for your best girlfriend but makes you yearn to hit a heavy bag... Awesome, you know what you need. All too often we hear/read/learn of an 'effective' fitness routine for someone and when we try it, we fail. It's not you... The fit is not correct. Try something else. Find what makes you: You. Keep going. Find your springboard and jump! 

Stay happy & healthy

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