Saturday, 30 November 2013

Changing your mind

I am not sure where it is written or why there is a general opinion that once you have made a choice, voiced an opinion, or proceeded with an action, that you are locked in. To change one's mind on whatever is OKAY. Really. You have PERMISSION to choose something different.  You MAY switch your opinion. You CAN act differently. You are NOT locked in. 

If once upon a time you liked the colour pink and professed it as your favourite, but now you are more of a green is ok, you changed your mind.  If you never wanted to get married and have kids but something or someone has altered your perspective, it is ok, you changed your mind. If you once were a vegetarian but now dine on fillet mignon, it is ok, you changed your mind. 

Changing your mind is not defeat. It is growth. Or at least it ought to be.  New information and new experiences can influence your thoughts, senses, and actions. Active participation in events or activities are opportunities to gain knowledge and skill. These new acquisitions are bound to affect influence how you think... Maybe even change your mind.

Holding onto past beliefs or doing the same thing over and over because that is how you have always done it, or it is what others expect you to do, is crippling.  I am not suggesting you must change, I am saying it is okay, NO, it is more than ok to change your mind. Think of changing your mind, as a new opportunity to be a new you, a chance to run where before you were hindered by crutches. If you only get one shot at life, take the liberty of being all that you want to be. 

Engage. Experience. Learn. Change. Live.

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