Thursday, 14 May 2015

Perfectionist? I'm a 'expect'tionist.

Ok, already the word police are ready to put me in cuffs for making up a word....Easy....I bite. 

I have been 'criticized' in the past (or maybe even the present) for my 'perfectionist' ways. This blog is meant to set the record straight. I am NO perfectionist. Seriously...there are oodles of things in my life that are less than fact, down right messy, sticky, and in need of a dousing of gasoline and a match. What I am, (and I say this with gusto..<I've always wanted to use that word>)..I AM AN EXPECT-tionist. I expect certain things. 

For example, if I see you driving your car like an idiot and you clearly have zero eye lead and lack of co-operation for fellow drivers, I will let your stupid self in the lane you are rudely trying to get in to. I EXPECT, you will give me the 'thank you' wave. 

If you say you want to meet at 2... Meet me at 2. Not 2:15...not 3... TWO! I expect punctuality. (Unless you are drinking...or have children..or are drinking because you have children). 

If I have asked you to do something (child 1 through 4... These are my children for those that are late to the party),: DO. IT. WELL. Do not cut corners. Do not procrastinate. Do not object. JUST DO IT (thank you Nike, I have gotten serious mileage out of that slogan). 

If you profess to be my friend, defend the haters in my absence.  Do not ignore.  I will bury bodies for you, I EXPECT the same. 

If you do ANYTHING, give 100%. Not 60.  Not 90. One effing hundred. What is the point of going through the motions? Give it your all. You won't be disappointed. 

Say thank you. 

Hold doors. 

Smile back. 

Flush the toilet. 

Put garbage in garbage cans. 

Theses are things I expect. 

messy haired, dandelion lawned, unfolded laundry chick 
aka Jo:Moma 
Stay happy & healthy 


  1. That's my girl! I think I might know where you get your propensity for word creation. Yesterday I said, "The genealogy search was getting excitinger and excitinger." Yes, indeedy. And when I was feeling sorry for myself one day, instead of writing a blog, I wrote a blahg. It must be genetic, because I too have expectations. Unfortunately, many people don't seem to care.

  2. ❤️ you are my favourite wordsmith
